LA Colorscape Wallpaper - Desertscape Mural - Mist


A unique collection of six wallpaper mural designs created in response to the light and colours of Los Angeles and its scenic surrounds in collaboration with Walnut Wallpaper Specs

- Ships in 6-8 weeks
- Residential grade wallcovering
- Pattern number: EH030CDM
- Mural design
- Composition: 100% Non-woven paper, pearlescent finish
- Printed panel width: 51" 1" pattern overlap
- 129.5cm 2.5cm pattern overlap
- Fire Rating: Class A, ASTM E84
- This design is available to purchase exclusively through Walnut Wallpaper in the US & Canada Not sure how much to order?

Email us with your wall dimensions and we’ll supply you with a visual and calculations Commercial or Custom?

Commercial grade and custom colours are available, email us Image credits

Styled with Armadillo & Malawi rug in oatmeal from The Ivy House; VZOR RM 56 Wooden chair, from Karakter Download spec sheet

Emma Hayes Ink Collection
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