
Water is our best defense against disease of every kind. Sixty percent or more of all chronic disease would be significantly reduced if people would simply keep themselves properly hydrated. To ionize means to gain or lose an electron. Essentially, the ionization process robs an electron from one molecule and donates, or transfers, it to another molecule. Both Alkaline and Acid Ionized Water have extraordinary properties and benefits, however, their respective uses could not be more different. We consume Alkaline Ionized Water and use the Acid Ionized Water on the outside of our bodies for acne, cuts, scrapes and rashes of all kinds. It kills bacteria on contact and encourages plant growth. The centerpiece of Alkaline Ionized Water are its antioxidant properties. It is miraculous that normal tap water can be instantly transformed into a strong antioxidant. Alkaline Ionized Water has two antioxidant qualities, its negative charge and the presence of hydroxyl ions which are free radical scavengers. The body is starved for electrons and Alkaline Ionized Water contains an abundance of them, which nullify free radicals in the body. One can thrive on half the normal intake of food as long as we consume high electron-rich nutrients. Alkaline Ionized Water is an extremely effective antioxidant because it is a liquid that has a small grouping of water molecule clusters and thus is more easily absorbed into the body where it can be of immediate use. Drinking Alkaline Ionized Water gives you energy through better hydration and alkalization of the body and by providing the body with oxygen. Because of the predominance of hydroxyl ions in Alkaline Ionized Water, the water becomes alkaline, meaning it has a high pH. The pH level can be adjusted with a water ionizer between 7.5 and 9.9, which is the highest pH that it should be consumed. All disease thrives in an acid environment in the body and will not flourish and thrive in an alkaline environment. If we acidify Review

This book IS the definitive guide to the world's healthiest substance. Ionized water is one of the great health breakthroughs of all time and yet it has been almost entirely ignored in the West. Here, finally, is a book that says everything you will ever need to know about why you need to drink ionized water. --Ryan McDowell From the Publisher

ORP is the single most important term we need to become familiar with if we want to understand human health and this is the only book ever written that declares this fact and explains it so the average person can easily understand it. ORP is everything and finally a book has been written that explains it for us all. A person's ORP level, although quite difficult to determine reliably, would instantly reveal whether they are in a state of health or disease. ORP is another way to measure the body's vibration. Everything in the universe vibrates. When we are healthy we vibrate within a certain frequency range. If we are sick, we will vibrate at a completely different frequency range, one that reflects our state of unhealthiness or disease.

At 49, I personally am not in physical decline, in large part because I regularly drink Ionized Water. What the rest of my diet is comprised of also determines my current biological age quotient. The cells that make up my body are more active, productive, communicative and functional than those I had when I was supposedly in my prime 30 years ago, although given my health warrior lifestyle I'm definitely in my prime now. The great thing is that 10 years from now I'll still be in my prime and look back at how much healthier I am then compared to today.

ORP is a measurement of a substance's ability to either reduce or encourage the oxidation of another substance. When we consume raw foods, they reduce the oxidation of our bodies. Thus, raw foods rejuvenate us. Raw foods are also negatively charged. Cooking raw foods oxidizes them, thus raising their ORP. And when we consume cooked foods, we add to the oxidation of our bodies and accelerate the aging process. Cooked foods burn us up internally by stimulating oxidation since they themselves have already been oxidized with a positive ORP of 400 or higher. Animal protein, fried foods, soft drinks and other highly processed foods possess the highest ORP and therefore greatest amount of hydrogen (positive) ions. A high ORP is an environment where disease thrives because it is also a high acid (low pH) environment. To reduce this oxidation, this slow-burning fire within us, we must consume substances that possess a negative charge such as Ionized Water and raw fruits and vegetables. When we do, the consuming fire of high ORP is extinguished.

The principals of ORP are the same for Ionized Water. The positive ORP of Acid Ionized Water increases oxidation because it contains hydrogen ions (missing electrons), which is the environment of

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