The Source Gin 47ml


THE SOURCE Rosehip Gin is forged by the four seasons that blow through the Cardrona Valley, Southern Alps, New Zealand. A natural matrix of locally foraged rosehip, together with traditional juniper, coriander seed, angelica root, lemon and orange zest, vapour-distilled into our Single Malt Spirit.

Alcohol content: 47%

Awarded Gold at the 2016 New York World Wine & Spirits Competition, THE SOURCE Rosehip Gin is forged by the four seasons that blow through the Cardrona Valley, Southern Alps, New Zealand. A natural matrix of locally forged rosehip, together with traditional juniper, coriander seed, angelica root, lemon and orange zest, vapour-distilled into our Single Malt spirit.

They refuse to chill-filter to deliver you full-flavour and character. Because of this you will notice that THE SOURCE clouds with dilution or when cold - a mark of distinction for this very rare and special drop.

Eight PM
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