The Source Cardrona Gin 750ml


A gin that embodies purity, elegance, and the wild beauty of New Zealand. Cardrona The Source – Rosehip Gin is an exquisite small-batch expression, crafted with locally foraged rosehips, juniper, citrus, and select botanicals, delivering a beautifully balanced and naturally vibrant spirit. Tasting Notes:

🌿 Nose: Bright and floral with fresh juniper, zesty citrus, and delicate rosehip aromatics.
🍋 Palate: A refreshing burst of citrus, soft herbal notes, and a hint of wild berries, complemented by warming spice and silky texture.
🔥 Finish: Long, crisp, and clean, with lingering floral sweetness and a touch of pink peppercorn warmth.

At 47% ABV, this handcrafted gin offers both vibrancy and depth, making it perfect for refreshing G&Ts, elegant cocktails, or sipping neat over ice. Why You Need It:

✔ Rosehip Infusion – A beautifully unique botanical that adds floral elegance and subtle fruitiness.
✔ Small Batch & Distinctive – Crafted with precision for a premium gin experience.
✔ Versatile & Sophisticated – A gin that shines in cocktails or simply with premium tonic.

A gin with character, crafted in the heart of New Zealand. Elevate your gin experience—secure your bottle today

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