Capricorn Zodiac Gift Box


Hip-Hip-Hooray it's a Capricorns Birthday! It's time to celebrate our Capricorn friends with a zodiac inspired sweet chocolate treat.

Bring joy on their birthday with delicious bundle of treats!

>>Send this gift anywhere in New Zealand, including the option of Same Day Date Guaranteed to any major city (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch). Edible Blooms also offer a $5 standard delivery service however, this services does not come with a date guarantee and excludes rural addresses and perishable items.

PS You'll receive an email to track the progress of your delivery from the moment it leaves our doors. - -

- 10 Hazelnut Lindt Balls
- 10 Ferrero Rochers
- 20 Solid Belgian Milk Chocolates
- Capricorn Swing Tag
- Signature Bloom Box
- Complimentary gift wrapping and gift card
- Disclaimer: Chocolates are packed inside Bloom Box, do not burst from box.
- Gift is approximately 16cm tall x 16cm wide.

Edible Blooms New Zealand
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