Bright Flower Bouquet Medium


A stunning flower bouquet filled with decadent and creamy Belgian milk chocolates, this Bright Flower Bouquet is sure to deliver a smile.

Whether you're looking for a gift for someone you love, a 'just because' to brighten someone's day or a thank you gift, this Bright Flower Bouquet is the perfect luxurious gift that is a great alternative to flowers.

All Edible Blooms Bouquets are recyclable or reusable - find out more

Gift is approximately 30cm tall x 25cm wide

>>Send this gift anywhere in New Zealand, including the option of Same Day Date Guaranteed to any major city (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch). Edible Blooms also offer a $5 standard delivery service however, this services does not come with a date guarantee and excludes rural addresses and perishable items.

PS You'll receive an email to track the progress of your delivery from the moment it leaves our doors.

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- 6 x Belgian milk chocolate gold starts on bespoke Edible Blooms flower cards
- 2 x Strawberries and cream Lindor balls
- 3 x White Lindor balls
- 5 solid milk Chocolatier Stars​
- Complimentary gift wrapping and gift card

Edible Blooms New Zealand
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