Happy Birthday Donut Bouquet


Delicious Donuts coated in creamy Belgian chocolate topped with all your favorites, these mini soft bite size treats taste even better than they look.

With freshly hand-dipped gourmet donuts in sprinkles is the perfect way to say hip hip hooray.

Our donuts are dipped fresh for you daily and best eaten on the day they are created.

Fresh zone delivery only – please note that for all delivery locations outside of Auckland, Hamilton night delivery, Wellington night delivery, and Christchurch night delivery we are currently sending plants, chocolates and gift hampers only.

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- 12 chocolate dipped donuts with sprinkles (Donuts are filled with Caramel and Chocolate Hazelnut)

- Happy Birthday Sprinkle
- Complimentary gift wrapping and gift card

Edible Blooms New Zealand
5000 https://edibleblooms.co.nz/products/6688797687861 ribbon message 82.50 4500 https://edibleblooms.co.nz/products/6688797687861 Bloom 79.95
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