Donut Heaven Bouquet


Donut worry, be Happy with Edible Blooms and a ! Spoil your friends with delicious donuts and Belgian milk chocolates. What is better than a friend? A friend who brings donuts of course. This is one Birthday gift that will be remembered. Or a fun way to say I love you, as much as I love donuts!

Fresh zone delivery only – please note that for all delivery locations outside of Auckland, Hamilton night delivery, Wellington night delivery, and Christchurch night delivery we are currently sending plants, chocolates and gift hampers only.

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- 3 Salted Caramel Belgian chocolate dipped mini Donuts
- 3 Strawberries and Cream Belgian chocolate dipped mini Donuts
- 3 White Oreo Belgian chocolate hazelnut dipped mini Donuts
- 8 Belgian Chocolate Stars
- 8 White Lindts
- Keepsake white tin
- Complimentary gift wrapping and gift card

Edible Blooms New Zealand
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