SKF Automatic Grease Lubricator (LAGD 125/WA2) and/or SKF 400g grease tubes


The dropdown options menu lists all the options of this product and 400g grease tubes of the same SKF grease. All PowerSpout turbines are supplied with manual greasing as standard. Some bundle deals also come with spring greasers. Upgrade to reliable and cost effective SKF greaser here.

These SKF automatic grease cans last for 12 months once activated. These are ideal for protecting and lubricating bearings in the wet environments that hydro turbines have to cope with, otherwise water ingress/dew/condensation can result in a shorter bearing life. These lubricators reduce the number of service operations required.

Without grease lubricators you must manually grease bearings on a regular basis to ensure a good life expectancy.

Reusable spring greasers are also an option that you can read more about here.

If you purchase and install them correctly and replace annually, this extends the warranty for the bearings (from the default of one year) to the same duration as the whole turbine, as follows:

- 3 years for PLT turbines up to 1200W
- 2 years for PLT HP turbines up to 1600W
- 2 years for TRG/LH/LH Pro up to 1600W

Make sure you follow our detailed instructions before you use these grease cans. Ensure the bearing block is correctly pre-charged with grease (of the same type) before 1st use and that the can is correctly activated. You can purchase a grease pre-charge in the drop down menu above.

The dropdown menu list options for lubricators, SKF grease tubes and an option to have turbine and/or spare bearing holder pre-charged with the same SKF grease as in the SKF lubricators.

For more information on how to use SKF lubricators (disposable greasers) correctly read this document.

Refer to PowerSpout Document Index Links for a complete index of documents.

250 2 x SKF LAGD 125/WA2 lubricator 199.00 500 3 x SKF LAGD 125/WA2 lubricator (with free SKF PLT bearing set) 299.00 600 3 x SKF LAGD 125/WA2 (with free SKF TRG/LH/Cube bearing set) 299.00
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