Cleanery Glass Spray - Fresh Clean


Make your windows and glass gleam with Cleanery glass cleaner. Low on fragrance, big on cleaning power. A little goes a long way. E ach sachet makes 500ml of powerful cleaning product. Mix up in any reusable spray bottle.

For the best result from your glass cleaner please use the following technique:

1/ Clean using damp cloth and sparing use of product (a little goes a long way with the glass cleaner). Rinse your cloth regularly as you go if the window/glass is very dirty.

2/ Once clean, wipe with clean wet cloth

3/ Buff dry with a clean dry cloth

How to use - Snip, tip, shake & spray. Simply snip open your sachet, tip it into a clean bottle, add the required amount of warm water, shake, wait for 30 seconds and you’re good to go

Ingredients - Cleanery ingredients are naturally formulated - plant and mineral based - and septic tank friendly. No nasties.

Packet Disposal - Cleanery sachets are made of a waterproof film that can be recycled in the soft plastics recycling scheme

earth mama
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