Sustainable Leadership
Authors: Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink
Publisher: Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons), United States (2006)
In Sustainable Leadership, Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink address one of the most important and often neglected aspects of leadership: sustainability. The authors seet out acompelling and original framework of seven principles for sustainability leadership characterised by Depth of learning and real achievement rather than superficially tested performance; Length of impact over the long haul, beyond individual leaders, through effectively managed succession; Breath of influence, where leadership becomes a distributed responsibility; Justice in ensuring that leadership actions do no harm to and actively benefit students in other schools; Diversity that replaces standardisation and alignment with diversity and cohesion; Resourcefulness that conserves and renews leaders' enerfgy and doesn't burn them out; and Conservation that builds on the best of the past to create an even better future.
Softcover, 325 pages (used)
Publisher: Jossey-Bass (John Wiley & Sons), United States (2006)
In Sustainable Leadership, Andy Hargreaves and Dean Fink address one of the most important and often neglected aspects of leadership: sustainability. The authors seet out acompelling and original framework of seven principles for sustainability leadership characterised by Depth of learning and real achievement rather than superficially tested performance; Length of impact over the long haul, beyond individual leaders, through effectively managed succession; Breath of influence, where leadership becomes a distributed responsibility; Justice in ensuring that leadership actions do no harm to and actively benefit students in other schools; Diversity that replaces standardisation and alignment with diversity and cohesion; Resourcefulness that conserves and renews leaders' enerfgy and doesn't burn them out; and Conservation that builds on the best of the past to create an even better future.
Softcover, 325 pages (used)