The Friendly Kiwi Garden
Author: Tabitha Becroft
Reintroducing Native Plants and Animals to your Garden
Have you ever heard the majestic morning call of the Tui or seen a pigeon gorging itself on berries?
The Friendly Kiwi Garden explains how we can enjoy these and other wonderful experiences in our garden. We can encourage native birds and insects to return to our gardens, even in the city, by planting natives for food and shelter. Bringing native plants and animals back into urban areas will enrich our lives - and will help ensure the survival of the unique flora and fauna of New Zealand. What greater legacy could we leave future generations?
Tabitha Becroft has a background in landscape design, biology and environmental science. She has worked in the restoration field for many years, and has been actively involved with the Kaipatiki Project in Auckland. Currently, she is instilling enthusiasm for nature into her young children.
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Reintroducing Native Plants and Animals to your Garden
Have you ever heard the majestic morning call of the Tui or seen a pigeon gorging itself on berries?
The Friendly Kiwi Garden explains how we can enjoy these and other wonderful experiences in our garden. We can encourage native birds and insects to return to our gardens, even in the city, by planting natives for food and shelter. Bringing native plants and animals back into urban areas will enrich our lives - and will help ensure the survival of the unique flora and fauna of New Zealand. What greater legacy could we leave future generations?
Tabitha Becroft has a background in landscape design, biology and environmental science. She has worked in the restoration field for many years, and has been actively involved with the Kaipatiki Project in Auckland. Currently, she is instilling enthusiasm for nature into her young children.
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