Michelle Dawson 1k2,662 views  1,564 clicks

Earth Angel is concerned with the state of our environment and the fact that many individuals and businesses continue to have difficulty in sourcing products to take direct action in their everyday personal lives or business operations to create a more sustainable world.

Earth Angel would like to encourage you take action for a sustainable New Zealand through considering how you spend your purchasing power.

Products offered will enable you to purchase recycled products, use renewable sources of energy, or adopt more sustainable practices in your home or business.

Michelle Dawson has been working with individuals and businesses in adopting sustainable practices since 1999 and enjoys sharing her passion and knowledge with others to help them take action towards a sustainable future both at home and work by acting as a guiding angel.

Earth Angel is a New Zealand based company that specialises in supporting individuals, businesses and communities be kinder to the environment through taking action towards a sustainable New Zealand.

Articles published about Earth Angel include: New Zealand Herald - Clean & Green, 15th October 2009 Her Magazine March 2009 Auckland Today January/February 2009

1 to 6 of 6
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