GYS ARC 400TRI Duroweld

THREE-PHASE INVERTER MMA, TIG Lift and Gouging WELDER The GYSARC 400 TRI is a three-phase MMA / TIG generator with exceptional welding performance. Designed around reinforced electronics, this station offers manufacturers maximum productivity, even in the most hostile environments. Its VRD device, which can be activated internally, protects the welder in areas at risk of explosion. - MMA: Welds rutile, basic and cellulosic electrodes (up to Ø 6 mm) - Arc gouging with carbon electrode (up to Ø 6.4 mm) - TIG DC with lift ignition (Ø 1.0 to 3, 2 mm) • Incorporates welding aids: - Adjustable Hot Start: easier ignition - Adjustable Arc Force: occasional increase in current in difficult welding situations. - Antisticking: reduces the risk of the electrode sticking in the event of contact with the part. • Productive thanks to its high duty cycle: 400 A at 60%. • Current/voltage display during welding. • VRD (Voltage Reduction Device) can be activated to lower the no-load output vol...