DUROARC 316LSI Stainless Steel MIG Wire Duroweld

AWS A5.9 ER316LSi All Positional Premium Solid Stainless Steel Mig Wire 12.5kg & 5kg Spl Duralloy 316LSI is a stainless steel MIG wire with high silicon levels to improve arc characteristics and improves weld edge wetting weld pool fluidity. EDuralloy 316LSI used for welding of 316 and 316L grade stainless steels, in a wide range of applications including the fabrication of pipe and plate. The weld metal has a high resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion by non-oxidizing acids. Its low carbon content increases resistance to corrosion. 316LSi would be considered the most widely used stainless steel MIG wire. Precision layer winding technologies ensure smooth, virtually trouble-free feeding. CURRENT CONDITIONS: DC ( ) SHIELDING GAS: 98%Argon 2% C02 95%Argon 5% C02 Argon/helium could also be used to prevent oxidation of the weld metal.
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