DUROARC 309FCW 1.2mm 12.5kg Duroweld

AWS A5.22: E309T1-1/-4 DUROARC 309L is suitable for welding dissimilar steel, welding of stainless steel and carbon steel or low alloy steel, bottom welding of stainless steel clad plate, and bottom welding of 308 series stainless steel on carbon steel or low alloy steel. This is an all-positional welding wire with easier re-arcing, beautiful bead appearance and better slag removability. This wire contains a high ferrite level in its austenite thus providing better weldability together superior Heat and corrosion resistance. Benefits: The slag is self-peeling and minimizes cleanup. The mechanical properties and deposit analysis meets AWS A5.22 E309LT1-1 specifications Excellent Operator Appeal High Deposition Rate All-Positional 12.5Kg Spool Application: Use 100% CO2 20-25 L/min DC Voltage (V) 22-36 Current (A) 120-260 CTWD 15-20mm