DUROARC 2209FCW 1.2mm 12.5kg Duroweld

AWS A5.22: E2209T1-1/-4 DUROARC 2209 is Flux Cord Wire Suitable for the welding of Duplex Stainless Steels, Weld structure is austenite-ferrite two-phase structure, containing about 40% ferrite, The deposited metal has the comprehensive properties of austenitic and ferritic stainless steel, and has excellent resistance to pitting and stress corrosion; This is an all-positional welding wire with easier re-arcing ,the arc is soft and stable, less spatter and has excellent welding process performance. Benefits: Excellent slag removability The mechanical properties and deposit analysis meets AWS A5.22 E2209T1-1 specifications Beautiful bead appearance All-positional 12.5 Kg Spool Application: Use 100% CO2 20-25L/min DC( ) Voltage (V) 22-34 Current (A) 120-260 CTWD 15-20mm
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