Starter Kit


Our the perfect pack as it has all the tools you will need to get you started. This is a great kit as it gives you a solid basic toolkit to use for all your future projects. A great pack to get your toolkit started or to give as a gift.

In this pack you will receive:

- 1 x size 8 round brush - perfect for smaller projects and to cut in. This is a fully synthetic and easy to clean, use with your premium paint, wax or lacquer.
- 1 x size 12 round brush - ideal for larger projects where you want some subtle textre. This is a fully synthetic and easy to clean, use with your premium paint, wax or lacquer.
- 1 x can opener - Paint can openers are designed to not damage the rim of your lid when opening the can, this means that your lid will continue to fit properly which will stop your paint from drying out.
- 1 x 500g bundle of lint-free rags - ideal for wiping off excess wax and buffing.
- 1 x Marseille Olive Soap - to keep your brushes clean and conditioned.
- 1m 240grit sandpaper.
- 1 x super fine steel wool - Use to 'pull back' dark and coloured waxes to create highlights and to blend.
- 1 x Slica Lid & Rim Protector - Place the Slica on your tin, then paint, pour, and stir using the Slica lid and your paint tins will remain clean! Saves wastage of paint, and allows you to replace the lid securely again.
- 8 x coloured wax stirring sticks.

This pack is valued at $120.50 if items ar e bought individually.

Optional Additions:

- For a smooth paint finish, add the Mini Roller Handle Pack

Dooney & Daughters
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