How To Use Metallic Glides


In this free How To video, we show you how to use metallic glides for detailing.

Metallic glides are a wonderful finishing product that can really elevate your finish and pull everything together. Available in four different colours, Forgotten Gold, Vienna Champagne, Metro Silver and Bronzanite, a little goes a long way with these fabulous pots.

In this video we show you how to apply it two way. Firstly using your finger, and then using a small artist brush for a more solid finish.

Tools recommended in this video:

- Metallic Glides
- Staalmeester Artist Detail Brush
- Clear Wax
- Premium Lint-Free White Rag
- Olive Soap Tips for using metallic glides:
- Glides are always applied as a final step.
- If you get your metallic glide somewhere you don't want it, put a little bit of clear wax on a rag and buff it out.
- Wash your brush with warm water and a gentle soap, we recommend using olive soap.

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