Highbury House, Birkenhead Saturday 29th March


Learn to make your own polymer clay earrings with jewellery maker Vanessa Fong from Dewdrops.

Location: Highbury House, 110 Hinemoa Street, Birkenhead, Auckland 0626
Date: Saturday 29th March 2024
Time: 1pm - 4.30pm

Included in the workshop:

- A fun and relaxing 3.5 hour hands-on experience with all materials provided.
- 3 - 6 pairs of earrings to take home (more earrings can be made if you have time).
- Learn all the basic techniques from conditioning clay, colour mixing, slab making, screen printing and finishing techniques.
- Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided for afternoon tea.

This workshop is not suitable for young children as sharp tools will be used. Participants must be over the age of 15.

Workshop Booking & Refund Policy

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