Koru Fronds - small beeswax wrap


Keep it green with the Koru, an all time Kiwi favourite. The Small Singles are ideal for snack-sized items: half avocados, crackers and cheese, small bowls, cut fruit, and lots lots more!

Small wrap - 18 cm x 22 cm ( 7.1 in x 8.7 in)

We love this design so much, we've made it part of our LilyBee Core Collection - that means you can get this pattern in every size of wrap and bag we make!

- Seal a Jar of Jam: Preserve the freshness of your homemade jam with a snug wrap.
- Cover a Small Portion of Pasta: Keep pasta fresh and ready to reheat with a small wrap.
- Wrap a Slice of Pie: Maintain the flavor and texture of a slice of pie for later.

Dees Bees
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