Fiqh of Social Media: Timeless Islamic Principles for Navigating the Digital Age


Social media and digital technologies have changed our lives and there is no indication that things will slow down. As Muslims, we believe that Islam contains the most perfect guidance for all of mankind to follow. How do we implement that timeless advice in our unprecedented times? That is the focus of the Fiqh of Social Media.

“With the time we spend on social media, being mindful of how we use it is crucial. This is a wonderful resource based on prophetic guidance on how to practically use social media in wise and beneficial ways." -Dr. Omar Suleiman, Yaqeen Institute

“Reading Fiqh of Social Media is like sitting with your best friend from Sunday school and having an intellectual & spiritual conversation about the impact of social media on your life. Omar distils years of research, experience, and thought leadership in an easily digestible book that you can enjoy with a good cup of coffee (and your phone off!)" -Mohammed Faris, The Productive Muslim Company

“Having followed Omar Usman's extensive work on the #FiqhOfSocialMedia and attended the seminar by him in person, I'm thrilled to hear about this being released in book form. Behavioural experts often demarcate an addiction by its rendering a person dysfunctional; it sabotages his/her career, relationships, health, or any other fundamental facet of one's life. Therefore, considering that the digital age is undeniably crippling in our lives, I cannot overstate the importance of availing oneself of this sobering critique of social media's true costs, its pragmatic course for rehabilitation, and its showcasing of the renewed relevance of Islam's timeless principles for self-care in the most comprehensive sense of the word." -Shaykh Mohammad Elshinawy, Mishkah University

“This is a must-read for Muslims around the globe. I can’t thank Omar enough for this work which forces Muslims to look in the mirror and answer tough questions about how social media has impacted our lives. It questions why we desire to share the most intimate aspects of our lives with strangers from around the world and provides action items to implement. These discussions need to be had within the Muslim community. We have to question how our quality of life has been impacted by the age of hyper-connectivity. Due to the fact that Social Media is a tool for creating social capital, we need to realize that speaking about the harms of constant connectivity takes a lot of courage. Thank you, Omar, for this work." -Shaykh Mikaeel Smith, Qalam Institute Author: Omar Usman Format: Paperback Pages: 114 Published: Dec 2020 ISBN: 9798575659563 Dimensions: 15 x 23 cm

Darul Hijrah Books
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