A Biography of The Prophet of Islam: In the Light of Original Sources, 2 Volume Set


Prepare to embark on a fascinating journey through the life of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in this insightful book. From the earliest moments of his life, including valuable background information, to the day he left this world, every significant event has been carefully documented for you.

But this series is more than a mere collection of facts. It is a treasure trove of lessons and morals derived from each event. Through this lens, you will discover the significance of the Prophet's actions and deeds and the wisdom behind them. The Islamic rulings that can be drawn from each incident are clearly outlined, and you will also find guidance on how each event should impact our character and choices in life.

This series is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the Prophet's life and teachings. It will inspire and enrich you, providing practical insights that you can apply to your own life. So come and discover the extraordinary life of the Prophet, and let his timeless teachings guide you on your own journey towards a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

Author: Dr. Mahdi Rizqullah Ahmad
Format: Hardback
Pages: 936
Publisher: Darussalam
Published: 2005
ISBN: 9789960969039
Dimensions: 15x22cm

Darul Hijrah Books
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