Why I Pray


Why do I pray?

What is the point of it?

Why am I required to pray five times a day?

Why isn’t once enough?

What's in it for me?

These are questions that many of us live with, regardless of our age or level of piety.

This short book takes the reader on a journey of self-reflection and encourages them to question themselves regarding their attachment to Allah. It provides solutions to help one develop consistency in prayer and advice to strengthen one’s resolve.

At the end there is a collection of 40 ahadith detailing the many virtues of salah.


"The 5 daily prayers are the most basic obligation upon every Muslim. If you wish you could establish your prayers properly, or find your prayers a challenge, this little book will help you kill the excuses and get into the right mental space to worship your creator on His terms and fulfil the purpose of your life." - Shaikha Fatima Barkatulla

About the Author

Abdus Subhan ibn Amanulla Dalvi completed his Alimiyya and secular studies in London before travelling to Egypt where he furthered his studies in Arabic, hifdh and Quranic intonation (Qira'ah). Thereafter he studied Iftaa (Islamic jurisprudence) at Darul Uloom, Bury. He has completed his LLB law and MRes in Islamic studies, publishing a thesis focusing on the development of Islamic legal rulings. He serves as an Imam and khatib in North London alongside teaching at Islamic institutions. Author: Abdus Subhan Dalvi
Format: Paperback
Pages: 41 Publisher: Huma Press
ISBN: 9781906949679
Dimensions: 15 x 10 x 0.5 cm

Darul Hijrah Books
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