Before You Pray
Sala’at is the first obligation upon a Muslim after his declaration of Allah s Oneness and Muhammad s ProphetHood. Salat is the contentment of the heart of a Muslim and the eminence of a Believer. Sala’at is much more emphasized in the Quran than any other act. This is a small book on Salat, which has a specific mention in relation to the matters before the Sala’at, is very useful and effective. The original book is in Arabic and is written by Captain Pilot Anas bin Abdul-Hameed Al-Gawh. The English translation of this book has been made by Mr. Abdul Karim Shah.
Author: Anas Al- Gawz
Format: Paperback
Pages: 40
Publisher: Darussalam
Published: 2008
Dimensions: 12x17
ISBN: 9960740358