The Rohingya Crisis


Widely known as the world’s most persecuted minority group, the Rohingya in Myanmar are now facing extinction. Denied citizenship rights, denied their very ethnic identity, hundreds of thousands have fled Rakhine State in Myanmar over the border into Bangladesh, where they face squalid conditions. Many have witnessed death, mutilation and rape, as well as whole villages, what they called home, burning to ashes. Leading British Muslim figure Muhammad Abdul Bari does not doubt that what the Rohingya have been subject to, is genocide.

In this concise but powerfully argued book, he brings to light the scale and barbarity of their suffering. The author makes a case that the international community, through the UN, must ensure the Rohingya's full repatriation with full citizen rights to their homeland.


'Well-sourced and accessible, this excellent book should be read by anyone wanting to understand the unbearable suffering currently afflicting the Rohingya.' -- Rushanara Ali, MP for Bethnal Green and Bow. Co-Chair, All-Party Parliamentary Group for Democracy in Burma

'This short book by Muhammad Abdul Bari is carefully documented, and facts are recorded soberly. He makes clear that there is no question that what has occurred is genocide.'-- Peter Oborne, Columnist for the Daily Mail and Middle East Eye

'For anyone who wants a concise and readable explanation of the situation of the Rohingya, this is the book.' -- Mark Farmaner, Director, Burma Campaign UK

About the author

Dr Muhammad Abdul Bari is an educationalist, community activist, author, parenting consultant and commentator on social and political issues. Dr Bari has written for various newspapers, blogs and journals including The Huffington Post and Al-Jazeera English, and is the author of several books on marriage, family, parenting, identity and community issues from contemporary British Muslim perspectives.

Author: Muhammad Abdul Bari
Format: Paperback
Pages: 104
Publisher: Kube Publishing
Published: 2018
ISBN: 9781847741240
Dimensions: 13 x 20 x 1cm - 130g

Darul Hijrah Books
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