Blackness and Islam


Muslims speak of Islam in egalitarian terms: the religion of peace, the religion that seeks to elevate man over his base desires, the religion that does not discriminate based on race and ethnicity. Despite the egalitarian spirit of Islam, the lived reality of many Muslims is very different, and this is apparent when we observe how Muslims deal with race and ethnicity.

Muslims who are Black in the West in particular, have found that while Islam may not discriminate based on race, many Muslims and non-Muslims do. This work seeks to clarify and debunk some traditions which support racist positions and presents biographies of early Muslims who were Black. The biographies of these great Muslim personalities shows us how Blackness was a normal part of life for early Muslims, in contradistinction to modern prejudices against Black folks found in some communities.

“Imam Dawud Walid’s life’s work – in his previous publications, in the present volume and over the decade that I have known him – commends him as a soldier against satanic racism and especially its most perfect historical expression: white supremacy. This volume, by framing a religious response to what must be understood as a satanic spiritual attack, should be widely read and taught."

- Dr Rudolph Bilal Ware – Associate Professor of West Africa, Islamic Knowledge & Spirituality at the University of California, Santa Barbara
About The Author

Imam Dawud Walid is the Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and a Senior Fellow at Auburn Seminary based in New York.
Walid has studied the disciplines of Arabic grammar and morphology, foundations of Islamic jurisprudence and sciences of the exegesis of the Qur’an. He previously served as an imam at Masjid Wali Muhammad in Detroit and the Bosnian American Islamic Center in Hamtramck, Michigan. He is the author of the book Towards Sacred Activism, co-author of the books Centering Black Narrative: Black Muslim Nobles Among the Early Pious Muslims and Centering Black Narrative: Ahl al-Bayt, Blackness & Africa and author of essays in the 2012 book All-American: 45 American Men on Being Muslim as well as the 2014 book Qur’an in Conversation. Author: Dawud Walid
Format: Paperback
Pages: 150
Publisher: Algorithm & Islamic Human Rights Commission
Published: 2021 ISBN: 9781909853195
Dimensions: 22 x 14 x 1cm

Darul Hijrah Books
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