40 on Justice: The Prophetic Voice on Social Reform


Darul Hijrah's highly recommended read! In an age of widespread injustices against the weak, the vulnerable and the dispossessed, how does Islam teach us to respond? How are we to confront injustices in our personal lives, our communities and our societies? The Qur'aan describes us as a community (ummah) that stands up for justice, even if it is against our selves and our families (al-Nisa' 4:135). Justice is essential to the survival and flourishing of any civilisation. The words of God and His Messenger ﷺ remind us of the centrality of justice in our lives and our societies. Injustice (dhulm) is condemned repeatedly in the Qur’aan and the teachings of the Prophet ﷺ.

This unique commentary on forty ahadith narrated from Prophet Muhammad ﷺ explores Islamic teachings regarding social justice. It covers a wide variety of topics including the gravity of injustice in Islam, leadership (should you seek it, are you capable?), our potential will be questioned by Allah, oppression, staying silent on injustice, human rights, responding to evil with good, conforming to evil just because everyone does it, tatfeef (short-changing), deception, corrupt lawyers, elitist privilege, building a coalition of justice, showing strength, finding and channelling your righteous anger, the rights of animals, neighbours, the elderly, employees, the disabled and mentally ill, the prohibition of torture in Islam, greed - the root of all injustice, why is usury prohibited, insurance companies, justice between parents and children, the sin of favouritism, rights in marriage, rights of the family, Islam's position on slavery, Islamic ethics regarding refugees and migration, the sin of racism/supremacism, stereotyping, gender equity in Islam, doctors and healthcare, environmentalism and gradual change vs radical reform.

This book is a compilation of Sheikh Omar Suleiman's highly popular '40 Ahadith on Social Justice' lecture series.

About the Author

Imam Omar Suleiman is a Palestinian-American scholar. He is the Founder and President of the Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and an Adjunct Professor of Islamic Studies in the Graduate Liberal Studies Program at SMU (Southern Methodist University). He is the Resident Scholar at Valley Ranch Islamic Center and Co-Chair of Faith Forward Dallas at Thanks-Giving Square.
​He holds a Bachelor's in Accounting, a Bachelor's in Islamic Law, a Masters in Islamic Finance, and a Master's in Political History, and has completed a PhD in Islamic Thought and Civilization from the International Islamic University of Malaysia. Have a look at other great books by Omar Suleiman here! Author: Omar Suleiman
Format: Paperback
Pages: 384
Publisher: Kube Publishing
ISBN: 9781847741431 Dimensions 15 x 23 x 2cm - 500g

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