A Believer's Guide to Zakat (Zakah)


Zakat, an obligatory alms giving, is one of the five pillars of Islam. The importance of this Islamic obligation is highlighted by the fact that it is directly linked to the ritual prayer (salah) by Allah in the Qur'an on thirty-two occasions.

Tragically, zakah is often neglected. This treatise elucidates the evidences for its importance and warnings about its negligence from the Qur'an and Hadith. Moreover; the essential legal rulings - such as who must pay, on what, how, when and to whom - are explained clearly and comprehensively, so that even a reader with no great background in Islamic law will understand the instructions.

Finally, it also contains the correct etiquette that should be observed by both the one paying the zakat and the one receiving it.

Table of Contents:

---Translators Introduction,

Biographies :
---Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Burhani,
---Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id Burhani,
---Shaykh 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Hafiz 'Dibs wa Zayt'
---Transliteration Key.
---Author's Introduction,
---Noble Verses from the Qur'an,
---Noble Hadiths.
---Chapter 1. (Preliminaries of) Zakat,
---Chapter 2. The significance of Zakat in Islam,
---Chapter 3. The conditions that obligate the payment of Zakat,
---Chapter 4. When is Zakat paid ?
---Chapter 5. The conditions for the valid payment of Zakat,
---Chapter 6. The types of wealth on which Zakat is compulsory.
------Exposition, ------Notes, ------Zakat on trade goods, ------Zakat on crops and fruits.
---Chapter 7. Those eligible and ineligible for Zakat,
------Eligible recipients for Zakat,------Note.
---Chapter 8. Miscellaneous matters,
---Chapter 9. Etiquette that the one paying Zakat should observe,
---Chapter 10. Etiquette that a poor person should observe upon receipt of Zakat.

About The Author

Shaykh Hisham Burhani ( 1932-20 14) was a Syrian scholar who was an expert in the Hanafi legal school. He went on to be a lecturer in the Faculty of Shariah at the University of Damascus, where he taught Islamic law (fiqh), fundamentals of Islamic law (usul al-fiqh) and Qur'anic exegesis (tafsir). While living in the United Arab Emirates in the 1980s, he represented the UAE in various roles at the Islamic Jurisprudence Council in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

Translator: Amjad Mahmood
Format(s): Paperback
Pages: 79
Publisher: Heritage Press
Published: 2014
Dimensions: 211 x 135 x 8 mm
ISBN10/ISBN13: 9780957693753

Darul Hijrah Books
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