Stop Worrying & Start Living: 40 Ways to Dispel Sorrow


This book extends a guiding hand to souls engulfed in the depths of despair, offering a unique approach distinct from conventional motivational literature. Unlike typical works on worry, sadness, and fortune, it delves into the core of the heart and soul, intertwining it with our deen and revealing the profound impact of faith on one's well-being. Abdullah bin Sa’eed Safar unveils 40 transformative ways to dispel sorrow and grief and cultivate a life of fulfilment. This enlightening read dismantles the obscurities that shackle the hearts and souls of many within the Islamic community, countering the influence of Shaytan and fostering hope, resilience, and trust in the Mercy of Allah.

Author: Abdullah Bin Sa'eed Safar Az-Zahranee
Format: Paperback
Pages: 211
Publisher: DCB
ISBN: 9789675699245
Dimensions: 15 × 22 cm

Darul Hijrah Books
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