Glimpses, The Life of the Blessed Prophet


So much has been written about the Prophet of Islam, may God’s blessings and peace be upon him and his family, that one may well wonder whether yet another book is called for. So much is known about him and there are many ways of presenting the material that any work has something additional to offer.

Glimpses: The life of the Blessed Prophet ﷺ being relatively short, it does not contain so much detail as to become arduous to read; nor is it so brief as to lose its informative power or the spiritual fragrance. It provides essential information about the Prophet’s ﷺ background, ancestry, character, and household, the various stages of his life, his miracles, and his political and military activities. It is therefore a useful summary of the most important facts about him. It also shows how the Prophet ﷺ envisaged his mission: what he wished to achieve for mankind and for his Community.

About The Author

Muhammad Husni Fayid has lived in Madina and taught Qur’ān recitation in the Prophet’s ﷺ Mosque for over forty years. Born in 1945 at Shiblinga in the Nile Delta in Egypt, he studied English at the University of ‘Ayn Shams in Cairo, graduating. This book was originally written in Arabic. The present version is a free adaptation, containing new material designed specifically for readers of English.

Author: Muhammad Husni Fayid
Format(s): Paperback
Pages: 176
Publisher: Ihya Publishing
Published: 2020
ISBN10/ISBN13: 9781939256041

Darul Hijrah Books
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