Chocoholic Bouquet - with ferreros no hearts


Chocoholic bouquet - for the serious chocolate lover or family - 16 full size chocolate bars, x1 cake of chocolate and 6 ferreros (your choice of chocolates with message left in message box at checkout or chocolate will be chosen for you) in a black box surrounded by gold and black wrap or.

Choose from Black and gold, Blue and black, red and black, white and pink, red and white or pink and black.

(A mixed range from any of these - picnic, moro, moro gold, flakes, kitkat, milky bar, pixie caramel, crunchie bar, caramello, cherry ripe, dairy milk, bounty, turkish delight, black forest

If you would like Whittakers chocolate instead of Cadbury just leave a note in the message box at cart.

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