The NZ Bird Edition | Travel Game

This game allows bird lovers who like to adventure to chart their course and use the birds around them.

The Bird Edition will have you following the paths most likely to lead you to discovering birds and basing your daily adventures on what those birds do. It's a perfect way to connect with nature while exploring and finding new places to discover. This special edition features 15 watercolour paintings of native, endemic and introduced birds found in New Zealand by Coromandel artist Cheryl Sands.

As with all of the Getting Lost games, they get ideas and feedback from you, the purchasers, and the players of their games.

The cards measure 91mm x 55mm.

Want to customise your game? You can add a Getting Lost suitcase in your favourite colour. Each suitcase fits 45 cards and is excellent for combining packs and taking them out and about.

Please remember to play the game responsibly, stay safe, and be able to return home at all times. Features -

Recommended for all ages - Average Game Time: 1-2 hours - Stand Alone - Activity Directions - Can be used as a group or solo - Number of Cards in this pack 15.

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