pH METER: Electrode buffer storage solutions-Tablets, pH 1 to 14

A variety of buffer solutions and buffer tablets for use with electrodes and pH Meters. NEVER store a pH electrode in distilled water as the distilled water absorbs the ions out of the electrode electrolyte. By cleaning well after use and storing electrode in storage solution or a buffer solution of about pH4 it is possible to extend the electrodes life considerably. As pH electrodes age they get sluggish in their operation and take longer to settle on a reading. Given this more time is needed when calibrating and taking readings. If obtaining a reading takes too long this is an indication that the electrode need as replacing. INFO: TAKING CARE OF pH METER ELECTRODES (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.) - Many schools send pH meters to us for repair. We find that for about 95% of these, the pH electrode is at fault. - Given care it will last for quite a while - up to 3 years - but even for the best electrode available it is considered acceptable if it functions for 1 year once activated. - If not ...
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