Forget Me Not Bouquet Necklace
The Forget Me Not bouquet necklace encapsulates the essence of remembrance and true love. With each delicate blossom, it becomes a tangible symbol of cherished memories—a tribute to moments meant to endure. Whether worn as a reminder of beautiful times gone by or as an emblem of creating new, unforgettable memories, this necklace is a timeless celebration of love and connection.
- Sterling Silver.
- Satin finish for the leaves and a polished finish for the forget-me-not flowers.
- The Bouquet measures 18.2mm x 18.2mm.
- The chain measures 500mm.
Winter In July
MJ was born and raised in South Korea. Her birthday in July was always in the middle of summer until she moved to Aotearoa and celebrated her birthday in winter. She studied fine art and design in South Korea and fell in love with New Zealand during a visit. After completing training at Peter Minturn Goldsmith School in Auckland, she now handcrafts each piece of Winter in July jewellery in her Auckland studio, aiming to bring joy to the wearer.