Fiordland Place Names (SOLD OUT)


A reference guide of all the place names in Fiordland. The object of this intensively-researched work was to endeavour to trace the origins of the various place-names in Fiordland. Good place-names should make us look at the landscape more closely.

Many of the names given by the early navigators, sealers, whalers, explorers and mountaineers were descriptive (Mitre Peak, Sheerdown Peak), or based on wildlife (Heron Island, Bauza Island, Spanish for Island of Mosquitos), places “back home” (Milford Sound), the discover’s name (Mackinnon Pass, Henry Saddle), feelings (Mt Revelation, Anxiety Point), Maori names (Lake Hauroko) and some have other stories to tell (Broke-adrift Passage, Wild Natives River). And don’t forget Rum River with its branch Toddy Burn!

John Hall-Jones

Soft Cover 210x150mm

88 Pages

ISBN 0-473-09709-5

Craigs Design and Print
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