Gerber Myth Blood Enhancing, Game Tracker, Blood Tracking Flashlight 9300812B

Gerber Myth Blood Enhancing Game Tracker Blood Tracking Flashlight Torch 9300812B GENUINE GERBER PRODUCT Gerber pioneered the blood tracking light and this is the latest version of a torch innovation that Gerber started producing back in 2005 Since then weve been perfecting our Trax Technology making blood standout against the diverse backgrounds we hunters often encounter With this in mind weve added a third colour our unique mix of red and blue L.E.D.s New amber L.E.D.s enable the user disseminate things that are truly red like blood from things that have red in them like leaves certain woods The new Game Tracker is considerably brighter than the original Gerber Carnivore and Carnivore XP This new hand held light will take the guesswork out of the most critical piece of your hunt The Gerber Myth Blood Enhancinmg Game Tracker Flashlight is ideal for deer hunting and other game hunting where you need follow blood back the source Make sure not lose another one with this Gerber Game Trac...