Decot Dots


The (2 Magnetic Opaque Dots per Package)

Overcome cross dominance and eye dominance with this translucent stick-on patch.

Key Facts
Useful for shooters with cross-eye dominance, as it forces your aiming eye to become dominant.
Used to blur the central vision of the offending cross-dominant eye.

The dominant eye is used to aim down the sights of the firearm. Most people have the same eye and hand dominance – right-handed shooters are often right eye dominant, and left-handed shooters tend to be left eye dominant.

However, some will find themselves in a difficult position because their dominant eye is the opposite of their dominant hand. This is called cross-eye dominance (or odd-eye dominance), and it makes using the iron sights of a rifle or shotgun a real challenge.

When a shooter aims with their non-dominant eye, their shots will stray to the left or right of their target because the sights are not properly aligned with the target, even though they may appear to be from the shooter’s perspective. Knowledge of eye dominance is not instinctive, so many people are not aware that their eyes are not the same dominance as their hands. For new shooters, this can make their first trip to the range a frustrating one.

Craftsman Sports
Decot Dots
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