Gemini Crystal Kit


These Crystals are great for Gemini, the third sign in the Zodiac Calendar (May 21 - June 20). These Air Signs are described as Gentle, Affectionate, Curious, Adaptable, Fast Learners. When the sun is in Gemini, it affects us all, no matter what month we were born in. The Crystals listed below can be used by anyone, but they match the Gemini energy. For an extra boost, carry these Crystals during Gemini Season.
Agate - Self-Love, Stability, Sleep
Citrine - Success, Clarity, Regeneration Serpentine - Wisdom, Connection, Healing Moonstone - Dreams, Joy, Insight Tigers Eye - Insight, Protection, Courage Obsidian - Positivity, Protection, Truth

Conscious Crystals
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