#56391 Black 910mm Gas Strut 250Kg

Height of door (R) ÷ 2 = approximate extended length. However if the door width exceeds 1.5m then the height of the door x 0.7 equals the approximate extended length.

Increase dimension ‘P’ if door needs to be less than 90°
Decrease dimension ‘P’ if door needs to be more than 90°
Adjustable for less pressure
Supplied with instruction sheet and allen key (for reducing gas strut pressure)
Supplied with right angle ball joints and a metric thread at each end
Temperature range -30°C to 80°C

A = 28mm

B = 400mm

G = 910mm

P = 330mm

E = 14mm

D = M10

W = M10

X = M10

K = 19mm

Pressure Supplied = 250kg

Co-Mac PN
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