Check Up: discover how well your team is performing

About CheckUp

CheckUp provides you with an up-to-date snapshot of how your team is currently performing.

Just like a physical health check, or your car's annual warrant of fitness, we will identify the areas where your team is working well, what is holding them back and specific areas to work on.

CheckUp is led by CluedUp's certified Practitioner in Team Coaching, Nic Preddle. Each team is different, so your CheckUp is tailor-made to suit the needs of your team.

You will discover:

- How much your team understands and employs the fundamental requirements of good teamwork
- Your team's strengths
- The extent that specific elements as such as trust, psychological safety, conflict resolution, collective responsibility and team purpose are affecting performance

- Specific areas that your team needs to focus on

CheckUp includes:

- 30-minute one-on-one call with the Team Leader or Business Owner to tailor the discovery
- 2-hour interactive Discovery Session with your whole team
- Confidential Discovery Survey completed by each team member
- Summary of observations, findings and recommendations for future team development

Audience : Any team, any organisation, any sector.

Numbers: Minimum of 5, maximum of 20

Location: Wherever you are. We can come to your offices or an off-site venue. The programme can also be delivered entirely online for remote teams.

Format: A 2-hour discovery session (either in person or online) plus confidential survey of individual team members.

Your trainer: Nic Preddle

- CluedUp Founder and Director
- Team Building Specialist
- Team Coaching Foundations Certified Coach
- Certified Practitioner in Team Coaching

- Facilitator of The Institute of Management of New Zealand's Leadership Essentials and Elevate Your Leadership programmes.
- Certified Flow Consultant


$595 GST plus travel outside Wellington

Equipment requirements for online training:

- Internet connection
- Computer with webcam
- desktop app Client review

"Thank you so much Nic for your delivery of this programme. We feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. I look forward to making lasting change to my leadership approach and impacting the teams I take care of. I would love to continue learning from you."
Bernice Wasia, Chief Superintendent, Correctional Services, Solomon Islands

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