Fresh Ink - 2019 edition cloudink


From the historical to the fantastical, the real to the surreal, this exciting anthology of New Zealand fiction, poetry, and artwork presents the varied voices and styles of New Zealand writing at its best—exhibiting work from established and award-winning authors as well as some lively ‘fresh ink’ from previously unpublished literary voices. The second in this popular series, Fresh Ink 2019 is collated by James George.

CONTRIBUTORS INCLUDE: Crispin Anderlini, Vivienne Bailey, Manu Berry, Madeleine Child, Wendy Clarke, Jenny Clay, Anne Curran, Hannah Davison, Alexandra Fraser, Katie Furze, Michael Giacon, Peter Graham, J.A. Grierson, Claire Hagan, Jacob Hagan, Sandi Hall, Trisha Hanifin, Kayleen Hazlehurst, Edna Heled, Paul Hewlett, Feby Idrus, Lincoln Jaques, Anna Knox, Clare Marcie, Lorraine Marson, Helen McNeil, Elizabeth McRae, Jacquie McRae, Dave Moore, Denise O’Hagan, Christina O’Reilly, Maris O’Rourke, Nataliya Oryshchuk, Janet Pates, Karen Phillips, Edith Poor,...

Cloud Ink Press
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