Ecobots Pre-fold Nappies


Extra-Large / Toddler

15.5kg – 20.5kg

2-4 covers

6 large nappies

Our pre-fold nappies come in a handy six-pack, ideal for boosting the size of your cloth nappy stash or for getting started using cloth nappies. For full-time use, you will probably need a few of our packs.

You will need a COVER to go over these nappies as they do not have a waterproof outer layer. You can use the same cover for multiple changes as they can be wiped clean unless soiled or smelly.

You will also need a SNAPPI Nappy Fastener to hold the pre-fold close. You will only need a couple of snappi's as you can use the same one over and over - just wash clean in a little warm soapy water.

We also recommend you use a LINER - they keep the solids off your nappy, making it easier to wash. What are pre-fold nappies?

Pre-fold nappies are flat nappies, usually (but not always) made out of cotton. They are called pre-folds, as unlike traditional flat nappies, they do not require complicated folding and pinning. Instead the nappies are ‘pre-folded’ and then sewn to give a thicker, absorbent panel through the centre of the nappies - giving plenty of absorbency, where you need it. Do I need to fold pre-fold nappies?

When asking the question what are pre-fold nappies, you might assume that they do not need to be folded at all. This is not in fact the case. Although they are ‘pre-folded’ already, they will still need folding to fit your baby. Unlike other flat nappies though, this is a fairly straightforward and easy procedure. The simplest way to use the pre-fold is to fold it into a pad and place it in a nappy cover. Ecobots Pre-Folds:

Quick to dry and easy to care for and wash. In the early days, you will be changing regularly, as newborn babies tend to poo often. These pre-fold nappies have a quick turn around time, as they dry quickly. As with other pre-fold systems, you only need to change the insert each time, unless your nappy cover becomes soiled. Ecobots pre-folds also make great inserts in pocket nappies.

Love pre-fold cloth nappies but looking for something a little softer and more absorbent? Then look no further than our Ecobots BAMBOO pre-fold nappies. Super soft which is great against your precious little one’s skin, bamboo is also more absorbent than cotton. These nappies are a combination of bamboo (55%) and organic cotton. We do not stock pure bamboo, as the fabric is not hard-wearing enough. By using this combination of fibres, we have all the advantages of both. All of our Ecobots cotton pre-folds are made at source in Pakistan, where the cotton is farmed, milled, and sewn. Formaldehyde is not used at any stage of the process. When you first get the nappies, you may find that the fabric is quite stiff. This is because it has been starched to make it easy to sew. The first wash will fluff them up, and make them feel thicker and softer, it will also bring them to full absorbency.

Clever Wee Fox
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