NRM Lamb Performance Pellets

Lamb Performance Pellets with Deccox® 6%

High quality protein feed for young lambs

Suitable for young lambs four days old through until after weaning.

with Deccox® 6% are a high protein, readily digestible energy formulation designed to encourage good rumen development in young lambs and aid in the prevention of coccidiosis.

Key Benefits and Features

High quality protein pellet, aiding the development of muscle and bone.

Contains highly digestible cereal grains which help stimulate rumen papillae development and encourage greater feed intakes.

Early rumen development reduces the risk of feed intake checks at weaning and may reduce rearing costs.

Contains essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements needed for optimal growth, development and vigour.

Palatability helps ensure any twin or triplet multiple born lamb is adequately fed until after weaning.

Provides creep feed supplementation for lambs on ewes during pasture shortfalls and helps transition lambs onto pasture at weaning.

Deccox® 6% aids in the prevention of coccidiosis.

Feeding Rates

May vary with different breeds and farming practices. As a supplement to milk feeding, feed with Deccox® ad lib from 4 days of age. Healthy lambs older than 4 weeks of age, over 9kg body weight, and typically eating 200g/ head/day of with Deccox®, may be weaned off milk and onto pasture. After weaning, slowly reduce pellet intake over the next 6 weeks to a minimum of 85g with Deccox®/head/day.

Feeding Recommendations


Orphaned and surplus lambs in both commercial and lifestyle farm situations, along with lamb milk replacer, and grass or hay

Lambs from 4 days old (after good colostrum intake has been achieved), through until after weaning

Alternatively, use with 3-4 week old lambs after starting on NRM Lamb Start Mix with Deccox®

Creep feed to lambs on ewes prior to and after weaning, aiding the transition onto a pasture only diet


Introduce pellets gradually to avoid digestive upsets

Ensure lambs have access to fresh clean drinking water at all times

Offer dry fresh pellets daily in clean troughs

Check lambs regularly for any signs of scouring, bloating and lack of appetite, seeking qualified assistance where necessary

Ingredients selected from

Cereal grains (wheat, maize, barley and triticale), cereal by-products, legumes, oilseed meals, by-products, molasses, vegetable oil, minerals, vitamins, essential oils, flavour, organic acids, Deccox®.

Typical analysis (approximate on a dry matter basis)

Energy 12.8 MJ ME/kg DM

Crude Protein 19%

Crude Fat 2.5%

Selenium 1mg/kg

Metabolisable Energy (ME) values are calculated by a registered laboratory from an equation and are not an actual measurement. Therefore they are only a guide for predicting the energy content of a feed.


Please ensure product is stored in a cool, dry and vermin free environment.

Lamb Performance Pellets with Deccox® 6%


ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Decoquinate 6% at 0.66kg/tonne.

INDICATIONS: To aid in the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in young sheep caused by Eimeria ovinoidalis, E. crandallis, E. parva and E. bakuensis

CAUTION: Do not use with bentonite. Contains 1mg/kg added selenium. Do not feed to bobby calves.

DOSE RATE: For prevention only, aim to feed a daily dose of 0.5mg/kg body weight of decoquinate, (e.g., 126g with Deccox® per 10kg lamb). To aid in the treatment of coccidiosis, provide a daily dose of decoquinate of 1mg/kg body weight, (e.g. 252g with Deccox® per 10kg lamb). Feed for at least 28 days during periods of coccidiosis exposure, or when experience indicates that coccidiosis is likely to be a hazard

WITHOLDING PERIOD: It is an offence for users of this product to cause residues exceeding the relevant MRL in the Food notice: Maximum Residues for Agricultural Compounds.

Meat: Sheep, Goats, Cattle, Poultry: Nil

Milk: Sheep, Goats, Cattle: Milk intended for sale for human consumption must be discarded during treatment and for not less than 35 days following the last treatment

Eggs: Do not use eggs from chickens for human consumption that have ingested feed containing Deccox®

with Deccox® 6% at 0.66kg/t (39.6mg/kg Decoquinate). ACVM Registration Number A011012. See for registration conditions.

By law the user must take due care, obtaining expert advice if necessary to avoid unnecessary pain and distr

Pet and Paddock
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