Dunstan Orphan Foal

20Kg Available via Pre Order

An introductory formulated diet for the Orphan Foal

Milk powder

Live yeast

Amino aicds


Citristim MOS

a palatable, highly digestible feed in the form of a meal, designed as an introduction to solid feeding. It is not a milk replacer, but a blend of milk powder, vegetable proteins, cooked cereals, minerals and vitamins and essential amino acids.

Mix has been formulated to encourage transition from dependence on milk, to a solid diet based on conventional cereal and protein.

The inclusion of milk powder ,cooked cereals and Soyabean Meal produces a highly palatable and digestible introduction to solid feeding. The Milk Powder content within Mix allows for a porridge to be made with warm water.

A highly digestible protein source (Laltide) supplies a range of peptides and nucleotides derived from yeast to aid natural immunity and gastrointestinal health.

The inclusion of the live yeast (Vistacell) aids digestion and will assist in maintaining a more optimal hindgut pH.

In addition the live yeast CitriStim®MOS (Pichia guilliermondii) helps to support the horses natural immune system and boost the natural defences of the horse against health challenges. It is also beneficial in the management of mycotoxins.

A blend of the essential fatty acids Omega 6, 9 and 3 are included in Mix. Omega 3, the anti-inflammatory fatty acid, is provided as a blend of both Flax Seed Oil, and Vegetable Oil.

Minerals are provided as Glycinate Organic Trace Minerals resulting in improved bio-availability. This ensures maximum feed and nutrient utilisation, also aiding development of the natural immune system. Organic Selenium as Selenium Yeast is included to provide a highly available and safe form of Selenium.

Vitamin E is provided as Natural Vitamin E due to its improved bio-availability.

Equine Safe

Dunstan Horsefeeds are produced in Equine-Safe manufacturing plants, ensuring a product of premium quality, safety and performance.

Professionally formulated for New Zealand Horses performing under New Zealand conditions

Pet and Paddock
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