Pet and Paddock 47 views Claim this Business♡
$45Harvest Grains - Timothy Smart feedTIMOTHY-SMART-FEED™ safe for horses and ponies with common feed related gastro-intestinal-tract and hind-gut irritation. Probiotic, yeast cells, feed enzymes and prebiotic food sources increase food digestion and nutrient absorption and help balance the gut environment when affected by times of st...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$51.50Harvest Grains - Harmonize Smart FeedHarvest Grains - HarmonizeLow GI - Grain Free - Molasses FreeActivate by submerging in water 15 minutesall equestrian activities and competitionshowring preparationrecovery and rehabilitationcommon feed reactionsbreeding, spelling, injuredweight control programshard to manage miniature horsesMay ass...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$45.50Harvest Grains - Mega BoostHorses that ‘tie up’ on a diet containing oats may have a genetic predisposition or “Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy", or PSSM for short, where they store an excess amount of muscle sugars (glycogen) in their rump and limb muscles. PSSM horses are commonly “good doers", with bulky, hard musc...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$41Harvest Grains - Mega ProNUTRIENT DENSE - ENERGY - STRENGTH - CONDITIONCombined with premium proteins and optimum levels of bone minerals.Targets performance & recovery for the younger horse in hard work.Ideal for horses fed hay as their main source of fiber.Horses that ‘tie up’ on a diet containing oats may have a gene...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39.95Harvest Grains - Mrs B's Layer Mix 20kgMRS B'S Chicken Mix™ 20kgNO SOY MEALYour hens, chicks and mixed poultry will love this pick n scratch feed enhanced with light molasses.Contains: wheat, maize, barley, peas, grit, vitamins, minerals, feed enzymes, probiotic, prebiotic15% proteinStudies on feeding soy bean meal to poultry indicate ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$39.99Harvest Grains - Poultry Blend 20kgPOULTRY BLEND™ 20kgNO SOY MEALYour hens, chicks and mixed poultry will love this pick n scratch feed enhanced with light molasses.Contains: wheat, maize, barley, peas, high protein layer pellet, grit, vitamins, minerals, feed enzymes, probiotic, prebiotic plus additional light sprinkle of molasses...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$44.50Harvest Grains - Smart ChaffSMART-CHAFF™ safe for horses and ponies with common feed related gastro-intestinal-tract and hind-gut irritation. Probiotic, yeast cells, feed enzymes and prebiotic sources increase food digestion and help balance the gut environment when affected by times of stress, travel or ill healthOur premiu...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$45.50Harvest Grains - MegabuildHarvest Grains MegabuildOptimizing your horses presentation and performance depends on physical health and wellness. It is important to provide essential vitamins and minerals to support the metabolism while maintaining hemoglobin for general good health. Your horse needs to feel and perform at his ...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$44.95Harvest Grains - Breed N Spell 20kgBreed N Spell 20kg• All growth stages incl yearlings, mares & foals• Maintain or increase condition when required• Spelling and agistment• Ageing and rehabilitating• Also suitable for young and old working horsesBalanced for growth and enhanced physical appearance.Suitable for a variety o...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49.99Hay Mates Micro Lucerne PelletCONTAINS STEAMED LUCERNE - no binders, no molasses, no added salts or minerals- the rich color is caused by steaming processDONT GET CARRIED AWAY a little goes a long way1 scoop Micro-Lucerne pellets is equal to approx 7 scoops dry chaff - easy and convenient source of dense fiber in a pellet- micro...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0
$49.99Hay Mates Micro Low Endophyte PelletCONTAINS MICRO-STEAMED NON-ENDOPHYTE GRASS HAY - no binders, no molasses, no lucerne, no added salts or minerals- the deepened color is a result of steamingDon't get carried away a little goes a long way1 scoop Micro-Hay pellets is equal to approx 7 scoops dry chaff - easy and convenient source of d...Buy from Store ⊕ More like this 0 0