Citizen Pale Ale 330ml


With every can Citizen Pale Ale, one slice of surplus bread from going to waste. We replace a quarter of the barley in each brew with rescued supermarket bread (with the help of our amazing brew partners Sawmill Brewery). for a great taste with less waste!

Our Pale Ale is lively with big zesty citrus and tropical fruit a toasty backbone.

Big hits of lush grape, gooseberry, citrus and tropical fruits are backed by a light bitterness and elegantly complex maltiness in this forward Pale Ale.

American Ale and Munich malts and rescued bread give a biscuity base, which Is precisely cut with soft bittering from Kohatu hops. A large dry hop of Nelson Sauvin for aromatics gives lush citrus and fruit notes.

Our brewer Scott says 'Good for everywhere, this beer has lots of character in a relatively low alcohol package, and can handle more assertive dishes: strong cheeses, desserts, antipasto platters.'

- 5% ABV
- Crafted with our friends at Sawmill Brewery
- Made with malt and hops
- Each can rescues one slice of surplus supermarket bread
- Each brew uses a quarter less malted barley, saving resources and avoiding emissions
- Plastic bags and tags from rescued bread is repurposed into fenceposts
- Thanks to Goodman Fielder and Foodstuffs for their surplus bread

Citizen Collective
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