Is There Really Sex After Kids? By Jill Savage


A practical guide to help women rise above frustrations and disappointments to restore intimacy, pleasure, spontaneity, and passion in marriage What's happened to our sex life now that we have kids? Many moms may not ask this question aloud, but Jill Savage knows from years of leading Hearts at Home conferences that no workshop subject will more quickly fill a room. Having children in the home alters the sexual dynamic between husband and wife. Going from making meatloaf to making love, from practical mommy to passionate lover, all in one crowded evening has its own set of unique challenges. Is There Really Sex After Kids? is written by a mom, for moms, and filled with practical ideas. This is not a clinical book on sexual technique, though readers will find some creative suggestions. It isn't a counselor's text, though it contains the sage wisdom of a mentor and friend. It is a woman-to-woman discussion---a true insider's look---at what works to build intimacy outside the bedroom and improve intimacy inside the bedroom.

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