Snappi Fasteners - Dove Grey


No longer have to deal with pins and accidentally pricking your child. These great Snappi Fasteners keep the nappies on safely. Highly recommend for use when the babies are younger and/or you are using the liquid poo fold. FEATURES

- Great for Newborn baby liquid poo - Contains Newborn explosions better than anything else we've tried!
- Stretchable non-toxic material
- One size fits all
- Snappi offers a practical and reliable solution to fitting a cloth nappy, without using nappy pins!


Instructions below, or click HERE to view a video

STRETCH the Snappi fastener before its first use. The stretching triggers the ‘memory’ of the Snappi to return to its original size, and in doing so, will pull the nappy to the middle to allow for a snug fit. It also makes it more pliable/elastic and therefore easier to use. This is essential for the Snappi to work properly. See below for instructions on how to.

To attach hold the nappy with one hand and attach the snappi with the other. Hook the snappi to the left of the nappy then to the right and then pull tightly down in the centre to form a Y shape. Don't be afraid to put it on tight, they are very stretchy! Most importantly when attaching the snappi make sure you hold onto the tab and not the loops otherwise OUCHY!

In other words, the Snappi fastener should go from a ‘T’ shape to a ‘Y’ shape.

When attaching the Snappi, hold onto the solid part of the tab. DO NOT pull on the loops. The loops can be used as an added safety feature - secure them over the teeth of the Snappi when it is not in use - in order to cover the teeth.

Make sure that the Snappi teeth have gripped properly into the diaper fabric and that it is ATTACHED SECURELY with all 3 arms. The 3 points of tension are important as it is the third arm that will help prevent the Snappi from coming undone.

By following these instructions, the Snappi should be secure and the nappy will fit snugly. It is ESSENTIAL to use a cover over the diaper and Snappi fastener.

How to Stretch the Snappi before use

Stretch the Snappi by holding it in the center with one hand and with your other hand, grab close to the end of one of the arms, avoiding the sharp teeth, and pull. Do not grab the Snappi by the loops. Repeat this about 10 times for each arm. You will notice the material begin to soften up and become more elastic. Once you do this for each arm your Snappi Diaper Fastener is ready for use!


- Snappi's are not toys. Keep out of children’s reach when not in use!
- Replace your Snappi if there is any physical damage or weak spots.
- Do NOT use a Snappi on a child who is able to undo it or remove their nappy/clothing.
- Snappi's should only be fastened by an adult.
- Use a nappy cover over a Snappi fastener.
- Do not leave your Snappi in the sun for extended periods as this can eventually weaken the Snappi.


Clean your Snappi in hot soapy water. Do not launder with diapers in the washer as the grips could damage your diapers.


- Any tear in the Snappi can lead to separation of a piece, presenting a possible choking hazard.
- Do not cut your Snappi as this could create weak spots in your Snappi.
- Do not pull on the loops of the Snappi when attaching, as this can cause breakage. These loops serve as a safety feature only, as explained above. Use the flat, solid tabs for leverage.
- Inspect your Snappi before each use. Discontinue use immediately if there is any sign of cracking, tearing, breakage or wear of any parts.

THIS PRODUCT IS NOT A TOY, AND SHOULD BE KEPT OUT OF CHILDREN'S REACH WHEN NOT IN USE. Pull the ring over the teeth of the fastener to avoid eager siblings getting pricked when the fastener is handled.

Chuckles NZ
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