Dwell in the Land: Scenic Photos of Israel Calendar 16-month Biblical Calendar (September 2024 through December 2025)


16-month (Sept 2024 through Dec 2025) Photo calendar from Israel featuring scenic photos of Israel.

- Major Biblical/Jewish and Israeli holidays with extensive explanation
- Scriptures in English and Hebrew
- Dates in both Jewish/Lunar and Gregorian/solar calendar systems
- Sabbath beginning and ending times
- Weekly Torah, Haftarah and suggested New Testament portions, plus Holiday readings
- Sabbath and Holiday Readings (which are noted on the calendar dates) are also listed in a removable chart format, good for inserting in one's Bible
- Messianic prophecies from the Tanach (Hebrew Bible) and their fulfilment in the New Testament
- Gorgeous photos, frameable
- Hebrew Learning Materials
- A selection of suggested Traditional and Messianic Holiday and other Blessings, in English and Hebrew
- Made in Israel


Open 30.5 x 42.8 cm

Closed 30.5 x 21.4 cm

Things from Israel

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